Thursday, 31 August 2017

Completion in site

No photos as its all but finished and we have dates for the scaffolding coming down and the final handover. You can then see the finished product. The inside will be ready before the outside so we are negotiating early access to help get around the log-jam of having to get No 10 ready for letting. We have to do some redecoration but need to clear out 30 years of accumulated 'stuff' first but nowhere to put it.

Tomorrow the Heat Recovery guy finishes and will give us a tutorial on how to make it work. The electricity is on with water to follow soon. This weekend once the builders have gone we will be in doing some minor finishing touches to save a bit of money - the flooring in the attic room, the curtain rails and curtains.

Later in September we will be starring in an Eco-homes event at our local Environmental Resource Centre hopefully with the architect and builder too and in November there is special Passivhaus open event. Before then we will behaving a house warming party for family and friends but also for all the long-suffering neighbours who have had the road blocked by builders wagons and excavations

1 comment:

  1. hope the house warming will be when I am in the country.
