Sunday, 24 September 2017

Practical Completion

22nd September 2017 and the house is ours!

We decided to accept partial completion so we could get on with moving in  and letting number 10. The works to the front drive, including a floodwater attenuation sump, remain to be done as well as the fencing and rear patio decking, which Peter will do himself. He has also been inside on evenings and weekends finishing the flooring to the attic space.

We have power and light inside and hot water, though we still need it to be fine tuned and we need to be given instruction on how to work the Heat Recovery system. The carpet fitters have been in so its a great opportunity to take photos of how clean and spacious it looks before we move all our 'stuff' in. We missed the chance to de-clutter before moving out of number 10 but nothing is allowed to go next door unless it is clearly useful and wanted - which means masses of un-sorted boxes going into storage until we get a chance to go sift through them. Its amazing how much stuff can accumulate unnoticed over 28 years.

We have allowed 3 weeks for final completion during which time we will be busy fitting shelves, curtain rails and fighting over who has more wardrobe space. Then we think about the house-warming party

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